Evermenu Setup
Getting API Token from Everhour or ClickUp
To set up Evermenu with Everhour or ClickUp you need an account on one of those services, and then you need to get the API Token of the one you want Evermenu connected to.
To get the API Token from your Everhour or from your ClickUp, please follow the steps below.
Go to the link https://app.everhour.com/#/account/profile to access your Everhour - My Profile page.
or on your Everhour follow the steps below, to copy your Everhour API Token on step 2.
Go to ClickUp, and after you login to your ClickUp account, follow the steps below, to copy your ClickUp API Token on step 4.
After copying your intended API Token access your Evermenu profile menu in the top right of Evermenu main page, click on Account. Then choose Everhour or ClickUp, and then paste the corresponding copied API Token.
Evermenu & Everhour
Evermenu & ClickUp
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